Unsuccessful habits

They say that success is a mindset and in order to be successful one must commit to planning one's life around that one burning goal or desire. Is that true?

Unsuccessful habits Photo by Dyaa Eldin

Before making that big leap of faith, there are certain things that one needs to cut out of one's life so that one can be prepared when one's big chance comes along. We've listed 12 habits that you need to cut out of your life immediately. Dropping these habits won't just make you successful in business, they will help you become more present with your friends and family, and in the long run, will make you happier.

1. Stop underachieving, start overachieving.
Everything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. When pursuing your goals don't stop when you have achieved the bare minimum. Keep going until you have blown those goals out of the water, and then keep working some more. When you have this work ethic, the only thing that can stop you is you.

It's great to be ambitious, but if you're constantly coming up short it can be demoralizing and eventually kill your motivation.

2. Stop multitasking and focus.
Studies have shown that 98 percent of humans cannot successfully multitask. Usually, those who believe that they can multitask are actually the worst at it. Scientists at Stanford write that multitaskers have trouble filtering out irrelevant information, organizing their thoughts, and shifting from one task to another.

Next time you're trying to be productive, try shutting down every tab on your computer except for the ones that relate to the task at hand. Turn off your notifications and use 100 percent of your focus on that task. You will see a tremendous boost in your productivity.

3. Stop checking social media while you're working.
Social media platforms create a maze of links and posts that are designed to keep you hooked. It is a major time drain and one that does not contribute to success. Instead of checking Instagram and Facebook on your breaks, read a book or a magazine so you can bring something truly meaningful to your next conversation.

4. Don't compare yourself to anyone.
This will never end well. There will always be someone out there who is smarter, wealthier, more successful, and better looking than you. Thinking like this is a distraction, focus on you and you alone. Most importantly, focus on winning your short-term goals and the dominoes of success will start to fall.

5. Stop wasting time with negative people.
Don't cause a scene or ruin a friendship. Just limit your availability for those toxic people in your life. Sure, see them once in a while. But, a negative influence can cause you to lose focus on what is really important.

6. No more excuses.
If you want something, go and get it. Don't create excuses, don't even create reasons. Reasons are just excuses with makeup on, like painting a pig, essentially. Don't become a victim. Victims never succeed.

7. Don't be a perfectionist.
Be a realist. Don't spend those extra five hours meticulously creating fonts and color schemes for a presentation that only you will notice. This goes into time management. Be efficient and effective. Don't procrastinate by obsessing over little details that don't matter in the long run (or maybe even in the short run).

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

8. No more complaining.
It's simple. If you think positively and talk positively, positive things will come to you. Keep the glass half full. Levels of optimism and pessimism correlate directly with overall health. Keep those smiles up and frowns down.

9. Stop thinking everything is about you.
Your upset boss isn't looking to fire you. The taxi driver isn't giggling at your tie. They have their own problems, and that's what they are thinking about. Not you! You'll be a lot happier when you stop assuming it is all about you.

10. Don't carry all the weight on your back.
Sure you are in charge, everyone is, in a sense. But, that doesn't mean that you need to take on every challenge and micromanage yourself or your staff. Learn to delegate. The question you should be asking yourself is not, "how can I get this done," it should be, "how can this get done in the most efficient manner possible." Usually good enough is all you need.

11. Stop making meetings a priority.
Mark Cuban once said, "never take a meeting unless someone is writing you a check." Meetings start late, run too long, and seldom are very productive. Meetings are time killers. It is always better to make targeted contact with the necessary people throughout the day. Always request a detailed agenda when you are asked to join a meeting. If there's no clear value for you to gain or for you to give, you won't waste anyone's time. Remember, it's always okay to say "No."

12. Stop using to-do lists.
Start plugging all of your tasks into your calendar. Having your work integrated into a timetable will greatly enhance your efficiency. Spend the necessary time planning out your calendar, and then live by it.

Live and abide by these rules and you will see a change in a matter of weeks or months, all depending on how much you are willing to commit. At the end of each day sit and reflect on what you did right and what you can do better tomorrow. Most importantly visualize success, and success will come.

Mathias Haegglund Code Collector, Globetrotter, and Occasional Gamer.